Exit-38 LLC is a privately held Texas company headquartered in San Marcos, USA, with representation in the Philippines and South Africa. Its services include engineering consulting, engineering management, project management, software development, hardware development, prototyping, low-volume production runs, system commissioning, marketing and technology search.
Its roots are deep in the surveillance industry with the emphasis on large installations such as casinos, refineries and airports. Its principals have a combined experience in the surveillance industry of more than 50 years.
Since 2019, Exit-38, has worked to include lateral flow test kits in its range of services provided.
In this regard we have worked hard to establish new technology in readers and associated equipment for these diagnostic requirements. Exit-38 has acquired the skilled personal with years of experience, and well versed in optics and designing of these systems.
Thus Exit-38 has positioned itself to grow and offer services to the new requirements in the medical diagnostics field.